Transmute Negative Energies: A Self-Love Practice
Hello, my lovelies! I don’t know about you, but the last few weeks have been rather tough; energetically, emotionally, and physically. There have been huge energetic shifts lately. The Schumann Resonance has been spiking one day, and then completely still the next. Major astrological shifts have been taking place, as well as DNA upgrades and ascension symptoms; not to mention all of the negative news and social media that is constantly being thrown at us. I would consider these psychic attacks... especially as we get closer to December 21 (The Great Conjunction aka The Age of Aquarius), those lower vibrational beings are working in overdrive to try to bring us down and dim our light.
With that said, over the last few weeks I’ve been feeling sluggish, unmotivated, depressed, and generally immobilized. Even with all of my training - it’s been tough.
This morning I woke up and said, “NO MORE.” Whatever darkness that has been attaching itself to me, you do not belong to me, and it’s time for you to go.
Before I explain how I healed myself, it’s important to understand the power of love. I know that sounds like some cheesy song from the 60’s, but love is not just an emotion... it’s a vibration, a frequency, and it’s powerful. Love is the only thing that transmutes hate and lower vibrational energies, entities and attachments.
The "darkness" is only able to affect us if we allow it to.
It is also important to know how powerful you are. We are all alchemists, we all have the ability to create, and to choose what we allow into our energetic fields. The "darkness" is only able to affect us if we allow it to. It must be granted access in, otherwise it cannot touch us. However, there is another way in which they can attach themselves, and with all the negativity and fear that has been circulating throughout society over the last ten months, it's the perfect storm for these entities to gain power.
When we are constantly in a state of fear or hate, our vibrations are being lowered, making us more susceptible to attack. We become weaker, and are physically + psychically unable to protect ourselves from these entities. Therefor, the longer your keep yourself in a lower-vibrational state of mind, you become a much easier target for psychic attack. Think of it this way: if there is a high frequency vibrating at 1000hz/minute and another lower/denser frequency vibrating at 50hz/minute - even if these two frequencies cross paths, it is physically impossible for them to meld together. They will collide together and then bounce off of one another. They would need to be at a much closer vibrational match in order for them to attach to each other. Hence, why it is so important to keep your vibration high. There is one more important note I'd like to make on this subject: allowing yourself to be vulnerable with another person, is the same as granting these lower vibrations access into your being. When you empathize with someone, you are lowering your vibration to match theirs. Another very common way in which we become empathetic and allow access through vulnerability is by having sexual relations... you can quite literally catch a cosmic STD. This does not mean that you should never be empathetic or vulnerable with others, but it does mean you should take the necessary precautions to protect yourself.
So how did I transmute this energy? By performing a practice that is based on the act of self love:
I began by sitting in meditation. You can put on frequency raising music (which I will list my favorites below), or burn sage, if you like. We operate from our heart center or heart chakra, this is where we must project our emotions from. Start to think of all the beautiful things you have to be grateful for, this will help to raise you frequency. Then slowly shift that energy into the emotion of love. As you sit in the feeling of love, keep building on it. You know what true happiness feels like, that feeling of euphoria and excitement. Build that feeling of love, allow it to become stronger and stronger, feel it throughout your entire being and collect it in your heart center. Keep building it stronger. You may actually feel yourself begin to smile at this point :)
Picture a white light encompassed by a gold rim (this barrier acts as protection) emanating out from your heart center. Feel it grow and fill up your entire body. Once it feels strong enough, extend it out one foot beyond your physical body. Within this white light, is the frequency of love.
As you extend the feeling of love throughout your body, repeat to yourself, “I love you.” And any lower energies or attachments, shower them with love too. Tell them that, “even if they cannot love themselves, you will love them unconditionally.” And truly feel that emotion of love. This will transmute them. They will either leave your energetic field, or turn into light (love). Do this until you feel better, and repeat whenever you find yourself feeling down or anxious.
I hope that this practice proves to be helpful. During this time of great change, it is imperative that we focus on self-care and self-love in order to keep our vibrations high. We are entering into a new era, and the universe needs your help in keeping balance between the light and dark.
Lots of LOVE + LIGHT, The Muse + The Messenger
*I would like to note that this practice is not meant to replace professional energetic healing practices for every case. Sometimes these attachments are too strong or deeply intertwined with our energetic fields to be able to heal ourselves. If you feel you are not able to heal yourself, please seek professional assistance.
Frequency Raising Music: